Everything To Know Before Resurfacing Your Tennis Court


Resurfacing your tennis court is necessary to ensure its longevity. It repairs the structural damages of your court while keeping the overall costs low. Averagely, tennis courts need resurfacing after 4 to 5 years. However, it significantly depends upon the exposure and the playing frequency. Less-used tennis courts naturally require less resurfacing than the frequently used ones.

The cost to resurface tennis court is determined by the damage to the court. However, the overall price of the total resurfacing also depends upon the court construction company. Here is everything you should know before calling a tennis court resurfacing company.

How Much Does It Cost to Resurface Your Tennis Court?

The resurfacing costs vary from company to company. However, the ZSFloor offers an affordable resurfacing of 9 to 25 dollars per square meter. The final resurfacing amount is about 3,700 dollars for the dimensions of the entire court. It is the most cost-effective resurfacing, as most companies charge around 4000 to 8000 for the task.

How Do You Know You Need Resurfacing?

Resurfacing is different from repairing. The later section of the article discusses that. However, right now, we will look at the signs which say it is time for a resurface. Tiled tennis court tiles from ZSFloor are pretty durable. However, just like other things, they need maintenance over time.

  • Fading color
  • Cracked surfaces
  • Water pooling
  • Sinking or bubbling of the surface
  • Mold growth

If you notice any of the above signs, it’s likely a resurfacing time.

How Often Should You Resurface?

Tiled tennis courts don’t need frequent resurfacing. Most tennis court tiles last for 4 to 5 years before demanding a resurface. However, the ZSFloor court tiles come with a 10-year warranty. So they make an ideal choice when looking for durability and economy.

Can You Increase the Resurfacing Gap?

Resurfacing is nothing inexpensive. Although ZSFloor provides pocket-friendly tennis court resurfacing, it may still be too much for some users. So the other way is to expand the gap between resurfaces.

Begin with a good base. If the slope is good, it will drain out water more quickly, ensuring the longevity of the court. Moreover, the foundation should offer some space for compaction and expansion of the tiles, so they don’t crack.

Seeking professional help with installation also elongates your resurfacing gaps. In many cases, users install the court tiles by themselves, and in doing so, they sometimes fail to keep the slope right. Hence, over time it causes the court to flood, reducing its life. Ensuring good drainage and the slope is also necessary to keep mold growth minimal.

How Is Resurfacing Different from Repairing?

It is essential to know the difference between court repairing and resurfacing. Repairing requires less time, and you can complete it in about a day. In comparison, resurfacing takes more time. The average time is about four to five days. However, in severe cases, it may also take over a week.

Repairs are necessary in case of surface cracks. In comparison, resurfacing fixes the structural damages in the playing surface. It can be reasonably challenging to identify if the cracks are surficial or structural; hence it is best to consult an expert.

The Bottom Line

Just like all other things, tennis courts also require maintenance. However, before allocating an upkeep budget, it is crucial to analyze what kind of damage is there. Resurfacing fixes the structural cracks in the playing field. While repairing is more suitable for surface damages.

On average, resurfacing costs around 4000 to 8000 dollars and requires qualified personnel. However, repairing is inexpensive and self-doable. Choosing reliable tennis court tiles can significantly make a difference in maintenance. ZSFloor is a leading company in this regard. They provide high-quality certified court tiles. Moreover, their resurfacing rates are reasonably easy to bear.


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